Work Preference and Experience Information 

Please provide the following contact information:

Employment Form
First Name
Last Name
Middle Initial
Years in this Industry
Street Address
Address 2
Zip/Postal Code
Contact Phone
E-mail Address
URL (Web page about you)

Position desired (Provide a Title and Job Description, based on your experience, that will allow you to be a positive asset to this company).

Experience (job title, responsibilities and accomplishments, company name, start and end dates, supervisor's name, supervisor's telephone number.

Career Goals (describe what you will bring to the position you are applying for, list targeted goal for your first, second and third year of full time employment, what job title will you have in 5 years):

Personal Goals (describe 5 personal goals you will focus on over the next 5 years):

Work Schedule (The majority of jobs with our company are initially "project based". Outstanding people may be offered full time positions based on their "work ethic" and "skills"). 1. Are you available for project work (one or more consecutive days within a short time frame)? 2. If you have a full time job outside of the video/film industry, how will you adjust your schedule(get time off) in order to do short term project work with our company?

Compensation (Part time employees working on a specific project are considered "Independent Agents" and paid an "hourly rate" . There are no insurance benefits provided to part time workers) 1. What is your hourly rate for part time work? 2. Are you available for work on weekends and/or evenings?

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Mission Statement

Corporate Overview

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Sample Projects

Video Production

Video Clips

Human Resources Department

Copyright February 2005 - 2008 ATMAN Creative Group, Inc.. All rights reserved.
